Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break, Day 9

We had to wake up at 6am this morning in order to make our 7:45am train to Genova.  Before we boarded the train we bought snacks since we wouldn't be arriving into Genova until around 10:30 pm.  I tried to buy a criossant, a blueberry muffin, anda sandwhich with my debit card but for some reaso nthey wouldn't let me so I had to borrow money from Anna.  Our first train went from Amsterdam to Koln, Germany.  From Koln, we hada 10 minute time frame to make it to our next train which would bring us to Zurich.  From Zurich we were headed to Milan and everything was fine until the train stopped and announced that they were making the final stop and everyone needed to exit the train.  The problem was that we were stopped in Chiasso (NOT MILAN) and teh announcments were all in Italian so we had no idea what to do.  Luckily, an Italian woman saw how confused we looked and explained to us that we had to get on the train next door as a transfer and then transfer again which would bring us to Milan.  We had to choice but to trust her and board the train.

The train was basically a subway car and took half an hour to get to our transfer stop.  The second transfer station was on a five minute delay and wasn't scheduled to arrive for another 30 minutes.  We clearly weren't going to make the train to Milan in time for our train to Genova so we called the bed and breakfast we were staying at and explained that we wouldnt be checking in until the next morning.  Once we got into Milan basically everything was closed since it was so late.  We walked outside the station and started our search for a hotel room for the night.  The first few we went to were either too expensive or fully booked but we finally found a room for 120 Euro a night.  The room was massive with a king bed and a twin bed.  The shower was heavenly with towel warmers and slippers!  After putting all of our stuff down, we walked to the nearest pizzeria and got three margarhita pizza's to go.

We watched an ENGLISH version of the Jersey Shore while eating our delicious pizza.  This may not seem too exciting but it's the first English television I had watched in two months! For anyone that knows me, this is probably the longest time I have ever gone without TV!

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