Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break, Day 5

I ended up getting creative and squatting beneath the hand dryer in the bathroom to blow dry my hair which turned out surprisingly well.  The breakfast at the hostel was basically identical to Munich's but the room was completely empty.  After breakfast we bought an underground ticket from the hostel which worked for all 3 of us and only cost 9.80 Euro.  The underground was really simple so we made it to the bike rental shop easily.  The owner of the shop was about 10 minutes late but when he did show up, he convinced us to rent the bikes for 24 hours for 15 Euros.  We also bought our tickets for the Brewery Tour but were told that the Haunted Ghost Tour wasn't currently running.  Eric (the owner) gave us a map and suggested a few sights to see.

First we went to the English Garden which were massive.  We found a beer garden inside next to a giant Asian structure so we stopped for a beer.  We weren't sure what to order so the bartender suggested a beer that was mixed with lemonade.  It was pretty tasty but what I really liked was the sunshine.  Next we rode to the Olympic Park which was even bigger and beautiful.  The structures within the park were so modern that it was difficult to image the Olympics being held there in the 70's, it looked more like the 00's!  Next we decided to ride into the city's central square, Marinplatz.  On the way we stopped at most of Munich's major sights and monuments.

For lunch we were lame and went to Pizza Hut.  We shared brushetta and mozzarella garlic bread, a pepperoni pizza with fun stuffed crust, a cookie dessert, and beer.  Of course everything was DELICIOUS.  We got lucky and got into Marinplatz at 5:00pm just in time to see the clock tower ring and all the figureens dance!  We also went to the open air market which had the most bizarre fruit, the most crowded beer garden, and adorable Easter themed toys and decorations.  Next we went to the Hofbrouhouse since its one of the most famous pubs in the world since 1619.

We were surprised when we walked in since it asn't a pub at all but was actually a giant cafeteria!  We joined an elderly German couple at a table and told the waiter to bring us 3 of any beer he prefered since we yet again had no idea what to order.  Sadly, he brought us 1/2 liters of wheat beer which was the kind I don't like.  I drank as much as I could but just couldn't finish it.  Around the time we were getting ready to leave the band started playing which was fun since they play traditional Bavarian music.

It was getting cold and dark around 6:30 so we headed back to the hostel to rest before dinner and going out!  We all climbed into bed and then before we knew it, it was 8:45!  We took the subway to Lowenbrau, which was another restuarant suggested by the hostel except this one was supposed to be more traditional.  I asked the waitress about the color of the bratwurst and she said they had the red and the white; Jen and I ordered the red.  Of course it comes out and its the white kind.  Jen tried it first and said it was good so I went for it.  It tasted exactly like sausage, YUCK.  Then I tried to saurkraut and it was nothing like the kind in the States, it was weak and had an odd after taste.  Luckily, I wasn't that hungry and the meal also came with delcious mashed potatos and I of course had my beer!

After eating, we were all too full and tired that we decided not to go out and to just go back to the hostel for an early night.

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