Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break, Day 6

This morning we woke up, got ready, and went down for breafast.  After breakfast we rode our bikes into town to return them but hte shop didn't open until 11am so we went down the street for some coffee at Coffee Fellows.  Since I still can't stand coffee, I ordered "Fruity Diva" tea which tasted exactly like normal berry tea.  The bike rental place ended up not even opening until 11:15am so we had to bascially run to the train station in order to catch a train to Chimsee.  Unfortunately we got lost and ran out  of time so we missed the train.  We didn't know where else to go so we asked the ticket booth who suggested Augsberg which was an hour ride into an 'old town'.  The fare was cheap and we didn't really have any other options so we took the train.

We got into town and had no map and no idea where to go so we just wandered.  At one shop I bought a new scarf for just 2 Euro!  We kept walking throug ht town in the sunshine until we all got hungry.  As we were looking for lunch, we went down another street which was filled with adorable shops!  We planned to get lunch then go gback to shoppping.  It turned out to be alot more difficult to find somewhere to eat than we thoguht but we finally decided on a little cafe with outdoor seating.  I got prosecco and pepperoni pizza and the 3 of us split a snack platter of mozzarella sticks, chips, french fries, chicken, and jalepeno poppers.  We didn't have much time after lunch but we went into a little store called Pimkie which I loveddd.  I bought 2 skirts, a long sleeve shirt, and a tee shirt; all for under 65 Euro!  By the time we left Pimkie, we only had a few minutes to catch the train so Jen and I went into a book store where I bought 2 new books.

We jumped on the first train back to Munich and it was especially nice.  We went to get on a train marked with a 2 ( symbolizes 2nd class) but I walked off because it seemed too fancy inside.  We all got back on and it wasn't until we were almost back in Munich that a ticket checker looked at our tickets and told us that we didn't have the right tickets for that particular train!  OOPS!  She was sweet and just told us to be more careful the next time we boarded a train.  Since we took such a nice train, we got back to Munich with some extra time so we went into H&M.  As we were walking down the stairs onto the main floor, I slipped and fell banging my ankle and foot!  I walked it off but it still killed!  Even in pain, I ended up buying a pair of flower keds.

We headed to Marzinplatz to meet the rest of the group for our beer tasting tour!  The group was small consisting of 2 guys from NY, 2 girls from the UK, 1 guy from Australia, and a couple from Stockholm.  First , our guide walked us to a near by beer garden to give us a history lesson about Munich, beer, and beer gardens.  Next, we walked to Schneider Wiessie, which was a former brewery turned into a restaurant.  It has been family owned and operated for 6 generations!  There were 3 different types of beer being offered, a wheat, a dark, and a strong beer so the three of us each ordered a different one to mix!  Surprisingly, my favorite was the dark.  I didn't like the wheat and the strong was too strong to taste like beer.  Next, we got on the underground and headed toward Paulaner, which is a brewery that has been open since 1634.  I was pretty surprised at how small the brewery was and how small all the tanks were.  After our tour, we headed back upstairs to the restuarant where we were given 3 little samples of beer which was all produced in house.  My favorite was the classic.  After everyone finished thier beers and food we went back to the underground and walked to the Hofbrauhas again.  This time there, we got a classic beer which is a full liter and came in a giant mug costing 7 Euro!  I also got a pretzel which was huge and delicious for Jen and I to share. 

One of the girls from the UK challenged one of the guys from NY to chug a full liter of beer.  The girl ended up winning but  then also promptly ran into the bathroom to throw it all up.  After we finished we tried asking our tour guide how to go to the underground to go out for drinks but instead we walked us to a cocktail bar.  It was pretty expensive but we all ordered drink anyway; I got a Scarlett O'Hara which was Southern Comfort and a whole bunch of juices!  Since the drinks were pricey, we left after the first drink and got onto the underground to go out in a known bar area.  The girls from the UK were tired and scared to take the underground and he boys from NY didn't want to leave them alone so they all left.  This left Anna, Jenn, myself, and the guy from Australia (Daniel).  Daniel was on a full expense paid account for work so he bought us some drinks which was nice.  Everyone was leaving as we were walking into the nearly empty bar.  We asked a guy where everyone was going and he told us of another bar near by.  We went to the next bar which was down a dark alley and had a rickety old door. Inside it was insanely crowded and full of Germans, we were the only non-locals in the whole place.  We got some beers and grabbed a table.  We sat chatting and meeting locals for a while.  Jen and I went to the bathroom and Jen went into the men's room and was yelled at by a guy inside!  When we got back, somehow Daniel ended up being really drunk and sat for a while with his head down on the table.  The waitress came over with some water but he was too lethargic to drink it.  We were getting ready to leave so we tried to wake Daniel up when all of a sudden he picked up his glass and threw it full force at the guy I was sitting next to, causing the glasses to shatter.  We took this as our que to leave.  We just got Daniel outside when he crossed the street and started throwing up all over.  We basically had to carry him to the line of cabs waiting to take us home.  What an eventful evening!

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