Wednesday, January 12, 2011

10 Days Predeparture

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to start a blog about my experiences during my semester to study abroad and figured this snow day was as good as any to start!  I depart from Newark in approximately 10 days and I just absolutely can't believe it!

I actually started to panic today and decided that I needed to calm myself down by how else? MAKING A LIST.  And once I started with one list, several more quickly followed.  Unfortunately, my lists actually led to more panic, more specifically panic about packing.  I just don't understand how I am supposed to pack up my life for the next 4 months into two 50lbs suitcases and a carry on! 

Since the packing lists were driving me crazy, I decided to make a list of all the errands I need to run before I leave...they filled an entire page.  Why do I always wait until the last minute to do anything?!  Thankfully I have an extremely part time job and will have the majority of my days left to run all of my errands.

No matter how many travel books I read, as of now, I still feel unprepared.  Dont get me wrong, I absolutely CANNOT  wait to go to Italy, but I also have this consuming feeling that once I get there I am going to be completely lost.  I have a few handy dandy maps and tons of travel guides so hopefully the route around the city will become second nature in no time!

Yesterday I bought a travel book that discusses basically everything you need to know about Eurorail...hellooooo spring break! :)  There are so many places I want, no NEED, to see while I'm in Europe and I only have a short amount of time to do it, so planning everything out like a crazy person is my best option.

Alright I've written enough tonight so I'm going to search for some packing tips and get to sleep early in preparation for my errand day tomorrow!

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