Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ciao from Rome,Italy!

Hello everyone, I made it safe and sound to Rome yesterday afternoon!  So far its INCREDIBLE!

After being picked up from the airport I was shuttled to our hotel which is 2 blocks from the Colosseum!  Anna had arrived in the first group so she was already settled at the hotel.  I quickly went up to my room and was able to meet one of my roomates since she is also staying in my hotel room!  I was able to settle and freshen up for a little while before heading down to join the rest of our program for a mandatory orietation.

The orientation was informative but seemed to take foreverrrr since I barely slept on the plane and felt like I had been awake for days.  After the orientation I met up with a bunch of girls to explore the city and get some dinner. 
The colossem is amazing!  We ended up going to dinner a block away from that  and it was sooo good! I had gnonoci in a 4 cheese sauce and it was amazingggg.  After dinner we headed back to the hotel and passed out as soon as we hit the pillow. Everyone was so tired from traveling but I had a great nights sleep and woke up this morning without any jet lag. 
Breakfast in the morning was a little different but I had cereal, fruit, and yogurt so I was full.  After breakfast we went on a 3 hour walking tour around the city and saw the inside of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, and a few piazzas.  Everything was so beautiful, I took a tonnnn of pictures.  After the tour we grabbed a quick lunch and then went on a bus tour.  It was good to see the rest of the city but we didnt really know what everything was or where we were.  So now me, Anna, one of my roommates, and another girl just exchanged some American dollars for Euros and are at the computers then are going get gellato.  After we are going to the hotel to lay around and rest before we go visit the Verde fountain at night which lights up and is apparently like breath taking.  Then we are going to find somewhere for dinner around there.  After we are going to go out to an irish pub near the hotel since other people in the program went last night and said it was alot of fun.
Tommorow is another early day with tours to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.  So far though, I absolutely love it here, its the most beautiful city I have ever seen.  Its so different then anywhere Ive ever been before because everything around you is history.  The streets are all cobble stone and clean and the buildings are tall, covered in windows, and have beautiful detailed architeture.
I miss everyone already and hope all is well back home!  I have a cell phone but its expensive so Im only going to be Facebooking, emailing, and blogging while Im here.  I wont be able to speak with everyone until I get to Florence so just know Im having the time of my life!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa This is really awesome- so excited for you and sooo jealous lol- but i am seeing Rome through your eyes and your blog entries are great!
