Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ichea?....ohhh IKEA!

Today started off slowly by waking up at 10:30am and still thinkging it was the muiddle of the night since when our shutters are shut, not even an ounce of light streams in.  I felt my way through the dark into the kitchen to look outsdie and sadly it was raining.  I ate some cherrioes with strange but yummy milk for breakfast then hopped in the shower and was ready just in time to leave to meet the group for our trip to Ikea.  The group was suppossed to meet at the pharmacy by the famous train station.  We made it easily to the train station but circled for 20 minutes trying to find a pharmacy.  We went intsidde to get out of the rain and surprise, THE PHARMACY!  We met up with the group only to be told that we were suppossed to sign up for the trip, its full, and its been full since last week.  The leader said we could try to squeeze in or wait for the next bus.  We went to twait for the bus and when it came lucky we ran to the back door and stood ontop of everyone else on the bus.  The bus ride was around 30 minutes but Shelbi and I passed the time by playing 21 questions.  Once at Ikea we walked around for a bit just browsing then we decided to eat since it was cheaper in Ikea then we had been usually paying.  After eating the salad i now knowwhy it was was terrible!  I don't even know how to describe how it wasnt good but it was just bad.  Lucky, I had also picked up a sdlice of apple pie and was splitting a plate of fries with Jenn so I was able to eat a little. 

We were told that the bus picked up out front every half hour so we went outside at 3:59 and nothing came.  So we figured whatever, we would catch the 4:30 bus.  By 4:15 more girls joined us, 4:20 even more girls, and then 4:30 came and went with still no bus.  Thankfully it wasnt raining and we were enjoying talking and laughing with eacher other but by 4:45 we were all getting a bad feeling that the bus wasn't coming at all.  Finally even more people joined up and told us the bus was only suppossed to come every hour so we were realived when it showed up at 4:55 and we safely boarded.  ONce inside we made friends with a group of boys that were also studying abroad in Florence but were from a different program and they gave us advice on some new resaurants on the other side of the river and where to find the best gelato.

After the bus trip we walked home and stopped to get some gelato on the way.  I had chocolate hazelnut mix and i had my first not good gelato.  Today seemed to just be bad luck with food so hopefully the dinner that the girls are cooking now will be better and we can find a good bar to relax at later.

One exciting thing that happened today was when Jenn and I went out to meet two italians for coffee.  We had met them the a few night before  so when they texted Jenn for coffee we went!  We me the Duomo then walked to a coffee shop near by where the boys paid and we sat to chat.  It was sort of awkward because of the language barrier but it was a good expereince and we are glad we went.

Our penne pasta with riggatta fresca sauce and a baguette is ready, ciao for tonight everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Few Days of Firenze!

Ciao!  These last few days have been so full, I've barely had anytime to touch my computer, plus having spotty wireless and trouble with converters and adapters doesn't help.

Starting from where I left off last post, we had our orientation at one of the buildings that is part of our school. (Florence University of the Arts, FUA.)  The building is breathtaking inside with ornate architecture and paintings on every wall and all the ceilings.  The school seems like its going to be enjoyable and all of the professors who led the orientation spoke extremely good English with little accents so I'm sure I won't have any issues with my lectures.

In the orientation, they explained to us all the activities and groups we can get involved in while we are here so I'm going to join the community service organization, the Italian film club, and the promotions department at our restaurant, Ganzo.  The school is also offering a ton of weekend and day trips all over Italy, so we are looking into joining those too.

After orientation, my roommates and I walked around to look in all the shops which are filled to the brim with leather.  I found a pair of embroidered, cashmere, Italian leather gloves that I loved, but they were 40 Euro so I'm still shopping around.  A bunch of the other girls bought leather gloves, bags, and notebooks.  While shopping we also wandered to toward the river and went to the Ponte Vecchico.  All of the shops lining the inside of the bridge sell the most beautiful collection of jewelery I have ever seen, with each shop offering more beautiful pieces then the next.  After shopping and a quick bite to eat, everyone in the program had to meet up and fill out our 'permit to stay' and then had MORE orientation and it seemed to drag on for hours!  Finally it was over and we went to dinner.

Since we were all so starving from waiting at orienation, we decided to go to the first place we saw which was an American Style place.  I got a burger and fries but it was delicious since their bacon is 10x better, their veggies are all fresh, and the cheese is fresh.  After dinner we went back to the apartment to get ready and we all went to a bar in the downtown area of Florence  The bar was packed so we stayed for a little bit then headed to a club.  The club was so much fun with loud American music, flashing lights, and a good mix of American and Italian people.

Today we were able to sleep in a little later before we met  up with directors of our program who took us on a walking tour across the Ponte Vecchico to a hilltop named Piazzale Michelangelo and then a church onto of the hill called San Miniato.  After the tour, we went out to lunch at a little restaurante with beautiful brick arches throughout.  I ordered penne pasta with a spicy tomato sauce which was delicious, and I dipped my bread in my roommates gnocchi forrmaggio (4 cheese) since its now my absolute FAVORITE dish.

After lunch we went on a guided walking tour of Florence which was beautiful and informative, but we basically froze to death by the end of the tour.  The tour ended at a restaurant where everyone from our program ate together.  We had a choice of 5 pizzas and I choose tomato, cheese, and hot salami which was SO GOOD.  The salami here is different from New Jersey since its fresher and spicyer.

Now everyone is home and relaxing for the night, we all feel so exhausted from constantly running around, staying up late, and getting up early.  Tomorrow we are going to sleep in then go on a group trip to Ikea, shop a little, and plan all of our trips with the program and for spring break.  Pictures soon to come!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ciao from Florence, Italy!

Sorry for the delay everyone, I thought I posted my Rome post a few days ago but in reality, I just saved it.

After a 4 hour drive, then a 20 minute walk, I am moved into my apartment!  The apartment is basically in the center of the city and we can see the Duomo from our front door.  We are on a quaint little street and on the ground floor. 

When you walk in the apartment you enter the kitchen where we have a tv, dishwasher, internet, fridge, and table.  Furthur down the hallway is a bathroom with a toilet, sink, towel heater, and a bathtub with room for 5!  Then there is the first bedroom with my 3 roommates, Shelbi, April, and Jenn. 

Next is my bedroom with Anna and I.  From our bedroom is another room with a desk, a closet, and a full window showing a garden.  From the study room is Anna and I's bathroom with a standing shower, sink, toilet, and towel warmer.

There is also access to our outdoor patio from the kitchen and my bedroom.  There is privacy, a washing machine, and room to hang all of our clothes to dry.  I absolutely looveee the apartment and our guide was even surprised at how nice the apartment is.  The only problem is that the sheets given to us were literally double the size of the bed, and there is like no heat so the apartment is cold.

Tonight we have the night off so we are going food and house supply shopping.  First thing tomorrow morning we have orientation, a meeting to register our permit to stay, and a tour of the city with a guide.  At night we have a welcoming party at the ISA office to celebrate getting into the city!  Saturday we are going to the Piazzale Michaelangelo and San Miniato and then another walking tour of the city.  Sunday my roommates and I are going to walk the city to find our classes and buy class supplies and finally relax a little!

I love and miss everyone so much and am having an amazing time!  Either later tonight or tomorrow I'm going to upload pictures since everything is so beautiful!

Ciao from Rome,Italy!

Hello everyone, I made it safe and sound to Rome yesterday afternoon!  So far its INCREDIBLE!

After being picked up from the airport I was shuttled to our hotel which is 2 blocks from the Colosseum!  Anna had arrived in the first group so she was already settled at the hotel.  I quickly went up to my room and was able to meet one of my roomates since she is also staying in my hotel room!  I was able to settle and freshen up for a little while before heading down to join the rest of our program for a mandatory orietation.

The orientation was informative but seemed to take foreverrrr since I barely slept on the plane and felt like I had been awake for days.  After the orientation I met up with a bunch of girls to explore the city and get some dinner. 
The colossem is amazing!  We ended up going to dinner a block away from that  and it was sooo good! I had gnonoci in a 4 cheese sauce and it was amazingggg.  After dinner we headed back to the hotel and passed out as soon as we hit the pillow. Everyone was so tired from traveling but I had a great nights sleep and woke up this morning without any jet lag. 
Breakfast in the morning was a little different but I had cereal, fruit, and yogurt so I was full.  After breakfast we went on a 3 hour walking tour around the city and saw the inside of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, and a few piazzas.  Everything was so beautiful, I took a tonnnn of pictures.  After the tour we grabbed a quick lunch and then went on a bus tour.  It was good to see the rest of the city but we didnt really know what everything was or where we were.  So now me, Anna, one of my roommates, and another girl just exchanged some American dollars for Euros and are at the computers then are going get gellato.  After we are going to the hotel to lay around and rest before we go visit the Verde fountain at night which lights up and is apparently like breath taking.  Then we are going to find somewhere for dinner around there.  After we are going to go out to an irish pub near the hotel since other people in the program went last night and said it was alot of fun.
Tommorow is another early day with tours to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.  So far though, I absolutely love it here, its the most beautiful city I have ever seen.  Its so different then anywhere Ive ever been before because everything around you is history.  The streets are all cobble stone and clean and the buildings are tall, covered in windows, and have beautiful detailed architeture.
I miss everyone already and hope all is well back home!  I have a cell phone but its expensive so Im only going to be Facebooking, emailing, and blogging while Im here.  I wont be able to speak with everyone until I get to Florence so just know Im having the time of my life!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

15 Hours Predeparture!

I first of all want to say thank you to everyone who came out to my Bon Voyage party last night!  It was great to see everyone, I had so much fun, and am definately going to miss each and every one of you during my travels!

In preparation for my travels, I began the day with a smoothing medi/pedi then packed and relaxed all day.  For dinner the family went to Tiff's and I enjoyed my last steak for probably the next four months (pasta and pizza will make great replacements!)  Then I came home and enjoyed a nice relaxing movie with Nicole, that is if you consider Inception a relaxing movie.  I'm not sure I'm going to get much sleep after watching it!

I have some time before departure tomorrow since we don't have to leave for the airport until 3:00.  My flight takes off from Newark at 6:50pm then lands in Amsterdam at 8:20am.  I then have an hour and 10 minute layover until my flight to Rome which lands at 11:45am.  Hopefully I get some sleep on the red eye or else this is going to be longest 48 hours of my life!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Days Predeparture

I have 3 and a half days until departure to Rome and I'm pretty proud of myself for being so ready.  I did the majority of my packing on Monday, and I fit all of my stuff into one monster suitcase!  Tuesday I worked on packing my carry on bags and toiletries.  Yesterday I went shopping and bought the rest of the items I needed and now I just need to pack them and some laundry and I'm done!  It's so strange for me to think that all the items I feel I need for the next 4 months fit into a suitcase, a backpack, and a purse/bag.

Enough packing, I'm also planning a party!  Since I won't be seeing my family and friends for the next 4 months I figured I'd bring them all together for a Bon Voyage party! Of course since we live in Northern NJ, there is a chance its going to snow Friday, but the party HAS to happen since I'm  leaving Sunday! It's nothing crazy but I can't wait to see everyone!

Also yesterday I picked up the Euro's I ordered from the bank.  To my surprise, the exchange rate has gone done yet again.  I ordered 100 Euro's and paid $150, aka TERRIBLE.  Hopefully the exchange rate will realize that I am coming to Europe for 4 months and need a better rate!  I mean the bank charged processing fees blah, blah, blah but I still thought the exchange would be better.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

10 Days Predeparture

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to start a blog about my experiences during my semester to study abroad and figured this snow day was as good as any to start!  I depart from Newark in approximately 10 days and I just absolutely can't believe it!

I actually started to panic today and decided that I needed to calm myself down by how else? MAKING A LIST.  And once I started with one list, several more quickly followed.  Unfortunately, my lists actually led to more panic, more specifically panic about packing.  I just don't understand how I am supposed to pack up my life for the next 4 months into two 50lbs suitcases and a carry on! 

Since the packing lists were driving me crazy, I decided to make a list of all the errands I need to run before I leave...they filled an entire page.  Why do I always wait until the last minute to do anything?!  Thankfully I have an extremely part time job and will have the majority of my days left to run all of my errands.

No matter how many travel books I read, as of now, I still feel unprepared.  Dont get me wrong, I absolutely CANNOT  wait to go to Italy, but I also have this consuming feeling that once I get there I am going to be completely lost.  I have a few handy dandy maps and tons of travel guides so hopefully the route around the city will become second nature in no time!

Yesterday I bought a travel book that discusses basically everything you need to know about Eurorail...hellooooo spring break! :)  There are so many places I want, no NEED, to see while I'm in Europe and I only have a short amount of time to do it, so planning everything out like a crazy person is my best option.

Alright I've written enough tonight so I'm going to search for some packing tips and get to sleep early in preparation for my errand day tomorrow!