Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sto male :(

Hello Everyone! Sorry its been a few days, things were busier with class and unfortunately but predictably, I've caught a cold.  After a few days I'm starting to feel better but I'm still stuffed up :(  Anyway, I'll start where I left off...

Anna and I went to our Cultural Anthropology class only to be greeted by a large, pessimistic professor.  As usual we were asked to fill out a sheet with our name, major, home university, why were were in florence, what we wanted to learn from her class, and 3 words to describe ourselves.  Usually after filling out the sheet we would pass them forward and begin class but this woman decides that we all have to share our answers.  Normally this wouldn't be a bad thing except after you read aloud your feelings, she shuts you down and laughs at you.  After one girl said that one of her words was 'family-oriented' the professor asked if her family felt the same way, laughed out loud, and said NEXT.  After we got through everyone's brief biography she handed out the syllabus.  It states that we have to make a presentation to the class every week, we have a 10 page research paper, weekly quizzes, mid term, final, and 3 mandatory trips that we must fund on our own.  Anna and I looked at each other wide eyed as the professor began to show her lecture slides.  On one of the first few slides there was a picture of famished people crawling toward water when our professor explains, "In about 30 years when I'll hopefully be dead, all of you will slowing die out since the earth is going to run out of water resources. HAHAHA" Stunned from the morbid comment I looked at Anna and we both decided that when she announced our mid-class break, we were leaving and dropping the course.  I'm not going to waste my precious time in Italy slaving over course work for an unhappy woman when I could take the course at home and actually enjoy it.

After leaving class we called the roommates and had them meet us for dinner.  We decided on a little ristorante that was on our walk back to the apartment, it was perfect because it had a set menu for only 12 Euro.  I ordered beef tortellini as my first course, roasted veal as my second course, and a fruit medley as my dessert, all accompanied by a glass of sweet white wine.  After dinner we headed home and went to bed in-preparation for our thursday classes.

My first class of the day on Thursday began at noon, Tuscany and It's Wines.  I absolutely adore my professor, and can't wait for class next week.  Our syllabus includes light homework such as enjoying  a glass of wine then describing it in a one page paper, a mid term, a final, and a prepaid trip to a wine vineyard.  Every class we are taught about a specific feature of wine and given a lecture then a break.  After the break we are given three different wines to sample and then given brief information about them.  I'm really hoping to learn alot from this course and my professor.

After class I went grocery shopping then headed home and made myself some lunch.  After lunch I met up with my friend Chelsea and we headed to Italian class.  The class was informative but also torturous with a cold, I was sneezing, coughing, and constantly blowing my nose!  Of course everytime I sneezed the class and professor would all shout SALUTE! (Good health in Italian) then look at me all red faced and with a tissue glued to my nose, beyond embarrassing.  From class I went straight home, did my Italian homework while it was fresh in my brain then went to bed.  I woke up an hour later feeling refreshed and famished.  Luckily the roommates began cooking while I took my nap!

For dinner we had a mixed green salad, fresh bread, and rollitini pasta in a red sauce.  For a dinner accompaniment, I had picked up a bottle of red wine that I needed to taste as homework for my wine class.  Usually I don't drink red wine but after learning about it in class that afternoon I gave it a shot and it wasn't terrible, but still not my first choice.  We all cleaned up from dinner and decided that it was a Thursday night and we should all go out to celebrate a successful first week of classes!  A few boys we are friends with from the program invited us to join them in trying out a new jazz club so we got ready and headed out!

Of course I made the dumb mistake of wearing heals.  We ended up getting lost and surprisingly, aimlessly wandering around cobble stone streets in heels is not fun.  After reaching several dead ends and making numerous circles, the girls and I decided to make our own fun and left the boys.  We ended up a bar around the corner from our apartment where we had been last week.  The place wasn't nearly as full as last week so there was actually room to dance and we were all having a genuinely good time singing along to our favorite songs.  We were all getting tired and decided it was time to call it a night.  We walked over to the booth to get our jackets, everyone walked away with theirs but when I went over to get mine, there were no more coats.  I grabbed my friend and had her help me look through other plies of of coats but it was useless, my coat was gone.  Of course after having such a good night, something had to go wrong, my favorite and only coat gets stolen.

Friday morning I woke up feeling sicker then before and completely regretting going out the night before when I was already sick and now my coat was gone.  I stayed in bed watching TV for a while and turned down the girls when they asked if I wanted to go out shopping and strolling around town since it was beautiful out.  I slept and read through most of the day finally getting up to shower around 4.  The girls came home and we watched from TV and did homework until we decided to go out to dinner around 8.  As usual we never know where we are going before we go, we just walk around and hope for the best.

After walking down a few streets into a neighborhood we haven't seen yet, we saw a large group of people and walked their way.  As it turns out, they were all waiting outside the theater for a show but there was a packed restaurant right across the street.  We checkout the menu and headed inside.  I ordered gnocchi in a creamy tomato sauce covered in melted mozzarella cheese.  It was beyond delicious and I ate every single gnocchi.  After dinner my sweet tooth kicked in and I decided to order a dessert, pear and chocolate mini cake.  The cake wasn't so mini and was covered in melted chocolate and had vanilla pudding on the side.  The cake was beyond moist inside and wasn't too rich, and the slices of warm pear inside were the perfect touch.  After seeing how much I was enjoying my dessert, my roommate decided to order another one for herself!  We walked off our dinner on the way home then got ready for bed and watched tv before falling asleep.

I'm feeling better after resting all day yesterday so we are all going to go out for the day.  I need to get books for some of my classes, need a new converter, a new coat, and of course need to visit the chocolate festival that I missed yesterday!  Love and miss everyone! xo

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